Thursday, June 26, 2008

June 22nd - Our Adventure to Tracy Arm

We departed Auke Bay and spent the night in Taku Harbor. In the morning we continued on to Tracy Arm. As we enter Holcomb Inlet we noticed a remarkable change from when we had been there with Daniel and Melanie in May. Huge icebergs were present. Eagles on their icy perched scanned the water for food.

Adolescent eagles still in their camouflage plumage,
learn to hunt from adults.
Eerie forms seemed to rise and stare at us as we glided by.

Sea monsters imprisoned in blue ice floated by us as we navigated through the mystical maze.

Lacy waves captured in time appeared but did not break.

Frozen cliffs of ice seemed to rise from the from the ocean floor.

Bald Eagles rode the icy ships as they hunted for food.

Dante captured a mythical monster escaping the confinement of it's river of ice.

As we entered Tracy Arm, Dante was vigilant on the bow directing Captain Lou through the ever increasing ice field.

Captain Lou intensely watches every move of Dante's directions.

When the channel became too ice choked our adventurers climbed into Wings armed with a boat hook and continued up the channel
In the lower right hand corner notice how small they look in comparison to their surroundings. Click on the photo to enlarge after viewing click "back arrow" to return to the blog. Deborah and I stayed on Seventh Heaven and maneuvered around the icebergs until they returned.
In the lower right hand corner notice how small they look in comparison to their surroundings. Click on the photo to enlarge after viewing click "back arrow" to return to the blog. Deborah and I stayed on Seventh Heaven and maneuvered around the icebergs until they returned. In the lowerright hand corner notice how small they look in comparison to their surroundings. Click on the photo to enlarge after viewing click "back arrow" to return to the blog. Deborah and I stayed on Seventh Heaven and maneuvered around the icebergs until they returned.In the lower right hand corner notice how small they look in comparison to their surroundings. Click on the photo to enlarge after viewing click "back arrow" to return to the blog. Deborah and I stayed on Seventh Heaven. I was at the wheel and maneuvered around the icebergs until they returned. 

They returned to Seventh Heaven and we headed back down the channel. Dante again was on bow watch and guided us safely through the ice.

Deborah helped with the Home made Pizza with my whole wheat crust.

We were happy to be in the peace and safety of our anchorage in "No Name Cove".

We had a lovely dinner of Fresh Dungeness Crab Salad (caught by the infamous "'Crab Louie") and our freshly baked pizza.

 Another unforgettable day in this frozen paradise.

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