Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 19th - Oh, Our Aching "HEAD" !!!

It was as if a ghost inhabited our forward head. Our new recently installed electric toilet started flushing on it's own. Upon further investigation it was also "leaking" and we will spare you the details of that. Soon it began to blow fuses and when Lou would replace them it continued to flush non-stop until we turned off the main breaker or another fuse blew.

Thirteen days into our adventure we realized that there was no other alternative but to return to Roche Harbor where the work had been done. The above photo is a picture of the culprit. It is a faulty push button panel to flush the toilet. It took three days to analyze the problem and order various parts. Hoses were tightened and the main control panel was replaced all under warranty and no cost for labor or moorage. Roche Harbor Marine really stands by their work and John is a great business man.

Roche Harbor is home to the "Phecal Phreaks", a small boat that will visit your boat to "pump out" while visiting the resort. (No pun intended).

As we entered the harbor we passed the 136 ft. historic schooner "Zodiac". The Zodiac was built in 1924 as a graduation present for one of the heirs of the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical fortune. She served from 1931-1972 as a bar pilot schooner in San Francisco, delivering harbor pilots to vessels traveling the treacherous waters near the Golden Gate as the last working pilot schooner in the United States. She now is available for pleasure cruising.

The fragrence of Lilacs fill the air near the lovely gardens of Roche.

Flower lined pathways invite visitors to meander amongst the blossoms.

On our last evening we enjoyed a dinner with Mary Ann and Candace on the deck of the Madrona Restaurant. Louie plays "Taps" on his imaginary bugle at the nightly sunset ceremony of lowering the flags of Roche Harbor, Canada, Britain and the United States complete with cannon fire!

The sunsets are spectacular at Roche!

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