Friday, July 18, 2008

July 5th - 11th Auke Bay to Tenakee Springs

While in Auke Bay "Sister Ship Last Resort" hull #140 arrived after a long voyage from Marina Del Rey California. We enjoyed visiting with Dick and Sharon Drechsler and sharing stories of our passage to Alaska.

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Dante and Deborah departed for home after a wonderful visit. While at the airport I noticed this sign. An "Ulu" is a traditional style of knife used by people indigenous to the arctic and have become a popular culinary gift from Alaska.
We completed our provisioning and boat maintenance and waited out a 2 day deluge of rain and then departed for Tenakee Springs.
The community has a population of approx. 120. The hot springs have been relieving aches and pains for hundreds of years.

"NUDE BATHING ONLY"  There are "Women Only" and "Men Only" hours. Bathers are asked rinse off and not wear clothing to keep the water pristine.

 The winter population drops to about 50 but the store stays open to serve them.
The interior of the store is a time warp. It has groceries and a hardware store in the back.

This old cannery house speaks of the past!

Some of the old cottages are summer cabins as well as permanent homes for the 104 residents.

Here is a new cabin being built. The custom planks fit together for easy construction..
Here is the real thing!

There are no roads or cars in Tenakee. Residents ride bicycles, ATVs or walk along the boardwalk.


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