Friday, June 23, 2006

June 19th Port Harvey to Burial Cove and Lagoon Cove

We sailed 8 miles from Port Neville then up Havannah Channel to Port Harvey. I wanted to locate a pictograph at the Keecekiltum Reserve of the Tlowitsis Tribe.
We found a sheltered anchorage and proceeded to explore the area. We were delighted to find the pictograph and study the details. It appears that 5 canoes met a trade ship that had sailed from afar. This is depicted by the porpoise at the bow. There is a figure of a man at the helm. On the left wall we can see 4 canoes with the sun shining brightly. There are other representations that are difficult to see because of exposure to the elements. We continued to explore the remnents of an abandoned settlement. We returned to Seventh Heaven and continued on to Burial Cove where we anchored for the night. In the morning we waited for slack tide to enter Chatham Channel. As we passed Minstrel Island Marina we noticed that it is still closed. We continued on through "Blow Hole" and spent the night at Lagoon Cove.

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