Monday, August 01, 2005


We departed Coward's Cove to find a sacred tribal site not well known to most. Friends of ours that have explored this area came upon it and shared its location. We followed their instructions and anchored off a wide beach. We went ashore and began to search. We followed some footsteps on the beach which lead to no where. We hiked and climbed and bushwhacked our way though the forest and along the shore. Daniel dropped his new digital camera and broke it. He slipped on a rock and hit his head. As we walked back to our landing site I noticed what appeared to be a hand reaching out of the sand. I got close enough to take a photo but did not want to investigate any further. When we were all about ready give up Dayle noticed a large black raven squawking from above. She followed his call into the forest near our landing site. Soon we could hear her joyful calls. She had found the ancient site. We all joined her and in silence marveled at the discovery.
We boarded our boats for our voyage to Gillen Harbor where we would prepare for our crossing of the infamous "Hecate Strait" and on to the Queen Charlotte Islands.

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