We departed Port Hardy, crossed Queen Charlotte Strait and entered Wells Passage. The water was churning with a giant bait ball hundreds of birds were circling and diving devouring the small fish in a glutinous frenzy. We had not been to Sullivan Bay in years and since then there have many improvements. New docks, a restaurant and a fresh coat of paint on the old float house buildings create a great atmosphere.
The float home owners got together and purchased Sullivan Bay. It is great to see that these unique places in the Brougtons are being restored.
This is one of the original float houses that was part of a floating village of loggers. The entire community could be hooked up to a tug and taken to the next inlet where the forest was being logged.
Everything is done by boat. Supplies brought over Queen Charlotte Strait from Port Hardy are being delivered to the store, restaurant and float homes. The entire community joins in to unload.
This resident can fly over to Vancouver Island on his own to get supplies. Just go up on your roof and fly away in your personal Helicopter!
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