Wednesday, September 14, 2005


We motored down Johnstone Strait for about 6 hours and welcomed the sight of Port Neville. We tied up at the dock and immediately got into the dinghy to hunt for the petroglyphs and pictographs that we had heard of. We met two very nice men that offered to show us the locations. We first saw the petroglyphs at Robber's Knob about mid way down the inlet. Since it was getting dark we made arrangements to meet our new friends the next day to find other locations. We returned to the boat and had Seafood Fettucine with our crab, prawns and clams. The next day we met and followed Rusty and Marv to the sites. We enjoyed their company so much we invited them to dinner on the boat. On the way back to Port Neville dock we picked up some kelp that clogged the cooling water intake on our outboard motor. The motor overheated, stalled several times and eventually died. Hopefully, we will have it repaired in Campbell River.

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