Sunday, July 31, 2005


We proceeded up the Inside passage to the safe anchorage of Codville Lagoon. It was to blow 30 knots that evening and the rain continued. We followed "Forever and Ever" into the narrow passage and found a protected place to anchor. We dropped our prawn traps and snuggled in for the night. The next day the bad weather continued so we made the best of it and explored the lagoon in the rain. We found a young eagle still adorning his camouflaged feathers. He was honing his flying skills while mother looked on from a distant tree. His feathers were saturated and he lumbered to fly from tree to tree. We went ashore and hiked up a river that cascaded down a ravine in the high granite walls of the lagoon. When we returned to the boat we had a hearty meal of my homemade Elk chilli which seem appropriate for our cold and wet adventure.

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