As we departed Telegraph Cove we are greeted by another pod of White Sided Dolphins

They were jumping high out of the water. I was so fortunate to catch this shot!

We were amazed by their behavior!

They played and frolicked for over an hour.

After the dolphins moved on we continued to Village Island and the First Nations village of
Mamalillikula. We dropped the hook in "Native Anchorage" nearby.

The village is abandoned.

The buildings are crumbling and the grounds are over grown with blackberries vines, grasses and weeds.

The old totem of a wolf and a bear is disappearing.

Is the belief of the
Kwakwaka'wakwthat the poles return to the Earth from whence they came.

The wolf at the top of the pole is barely

A serpent crawls along the pole.

The old village is inhabited by many Black Bears feasting on berries, apples, cherries and clover.
When I began to walk a trail through the overgrown berry vines I noticed evidence of bear scat. I decided it was time to return to the dinghy! The wind had come up a bit and the spray from the choppy water got us wet. We were happy to be aboard and headed for Port McNeill.
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