Saturday, April 26, 2008

April 23 Khutze Inlet and Butedale

As we travel along the Inside Passage the beauty of the this raw wilderness is indescribable. Glacier gouged valleys, snow capped mountains, waterfalls, deep fiord's with treacherous currents abound. Remnants of man's attempts to capture the natural resources are visible with logging and the occasional abandonned fish cannery but nature wins out in the end. We see that the forest reclaims the feeble attempts of man as we pass by the crumbling remains of Butedale Fish Cannery circa 1900 to 1950's. The trees quickly fill in the scars of clear cutting and yet old growth still towers over their efforts in impossible heights and angles of steep precipices and canyons. We anchor in Khutze Inlet at the mouth of the Canoona River for the night.

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